But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage
- Moroni 7:33

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

First Snail Mail letter...a doozie!

That first email alluded to a letter coming in the mail...How long can it take to get from Provo to Sandy?  Answer...another 4 days.  On Saturday we got an 8 page letter!  Magnifico!  Here are some excerpts...

Her FIRST night they actually taught some investigators!  (We discovered later that they are people who role play - but Haley writes as if they are real - so it really confused us at first).  She was a little discouraged but prayed "really hard for courage, strength, and help in remembering my purpose for being here..." 

A week later she writes about her district..."We're comprised of our tripanionship and 5 eldders.  Both my companions are going to the Cleveland/Kirtland visitor center so we'll be together on this journey from start to finish!  We're really hoping that we'll get to be companions again sometime later.  Then there's Elder Eyonon and Elder Daniels, our favorites!  Elder Eynon is just the sweetest thing ever and makes me laugh so much with all his wierd, out of nowhere comments! I love him!  Jenna & Sophie, he totally reminds me of and actually really looks like the tall skinny guy in Sydney White that ends up a millionaire at the end.  Elder Daniels is so fantastic!  He is so pumped up about the work, always positive, outgoing, and we can totally tell he was a lady's man!We called him out on it but he won't admit it, he just get's all bashful when we say anything.  Elder Free is our district leader and is perfect for the job.  he is quite knowledgable in the gospel, responsible, has a great spirit, and you can just tell he's been preparing a long time for this.  Elder Pearce is half-Jamican.  H'es very polite, always sitting up straight...He's awesome.  Last , but not least, Elder Adamson.  He's 23 so I really have respect for him and he's mature...he's also good at thinking about thinks on a deeper level which always helps us all out.  They're all just normal, though, and outgoing so it makes it so easy for all of us to get along and bond.  We also love that ALL the elders here are such gentlemen towards all the sisters.  They have respect for us and it's such a great thing to see.  Everyone says your district becomes your family becuase you spend so much time together and we all go through the same hard challenges so we're the support system for each other.  I can already see it happening with us and I love it.  We also love our zone leaders and coordinating sister.  They are so cool, chill, and funny.  Pretty much  I love anyone that makes me laugh though, and I laugh at a lot of things so I guess I love people here really easily.  
     One funny experience I have to tell you about that happened today... I took my skirts to the alterations ladies and when I was trying on all my skirts for her she was giving me these looks and saying things like "oh, all your skirts are just too tight." "I think you need to add a few inches around those hips" and then the one word "oh"  (hahaha) completely implying that she thinks I'm a slut hahaha that would happen to me! My comps just started luaghting so hard when we left the room cuz we were all thinking the same thing! It was really a funny moment!"
     A couple of days later we got another 4 pages of her journal in the mail...I'll keep posting until I am caught up to the present!


  1. GREAT JOB, Tatia! Love the look AND the content! Glad she is doing so well and feels happy! Yea! The pictures make me choke up a little. I KNOW it is a good and happy thing, just a bit of a hard thing.
